

This narrative review aims to discuss future guidelines for whistleblowing. We focus on “what is whistleblowing and how has the literature defined it?”; “what drives the whistle-blower?”; “how can financial rewards improve whistleblowing?”; and “what is the role of financial penalties in whistleblowing?” We also highlight gaps in the recent literature. Whistleblowing is a complex process that requires further research attention. Value orientation, sociodemographic and organizational characteristics, and financial incentives have been shown to explain and predict whistleblowing behaviour; however, the mixed results in past studies have led to a complicated and fragmented picture. This review aims to bring new insights to researchers in the whistleblowing field, so we can advance the literature, and, consequently, mitigate misconduct.


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How to Cite

Barros, A. do N. F., K. E. Horton, L. C. M. dos Anjos, and U. C. T. Lagioia. “WHISTLEBLOWING: A NARRATIVE REVIEW AND FUTURE GUIDELINES”. International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics, May 2024, pp. 07-29, https://managementjournal.info/index.php/IJAME/article/view/722.

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