The Use of the Smartphone Improves Targeted Advertising on the User's Location


  • Giuseppe Granata
  • Giancarlo Scozzese


Location-based advertising is a sector of communications industry where GPS technology is used in advertising products and services that are in close proximity to people. It is an effective approach of presenting offers, advertising and information that are within the reach of a person and therefore is likely to be useful. Nowadays, there is lot of forms of location-based advertising. Ads are displayed on a smartphone when downloading and using applications and many of them are designed for this purpose. Although they manage to reach people efficiently, they are quite limited. According to our observations, many people feel too targeted with advertisements. Some people have faced technical issues with these GPS-based mobile advertising applications. Some applications have caused a violation of user privacy.  A comprehensive analysis of these applications was performed and the results were used to understand the requirements of an informative mobile application.

Keywords: Mobile advertising, Digital advertising, Mobile applications, Smartphone.


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How to Cite

Granata, G., and G. Scozzese. “The Use of the Smartphone Improves Targeted Advertising on the User’s Location”. International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics, Nov. 2020, pp. 08-12,