West Africa from Franco CFA to Eco: Economic Issues
Born 73 years ago, exactly on December 26, 1945, the day France ratified the Bretton Woods agreements, the CFA franc is the currency adopted by 14 African states and for years the subject of controversy at the local level as well as in France itself. . For some months the debate has become international and now this often criticized currency will give way to a new common currency called Eco.
The era of the CFA (2020) franc ends, the Eco arrives. 'Farewell' to the legacy currency of French colonialism in Africa: www.ilgiornaleditalia.it, 20-05.
CFA franc (2019) colonial heritage but also a guarantee for those who adopt it: www.valori.it, 30-01.
The CFA franc (2019) advantages and disadvantages for African nations: values. it 30-01.
Franco CFA (2019) a double bond between France and former colonies - www. Affarinternazionali, IT 10-02.
Andrea De Georgio (2020) Journalist: Africa Gets Rid of the CFA Franc But not of French Control, - www.Internazionale.IT, 28-05.
Anais Ginori (2020) France retires the CFA franc, the currency of the colonies Republic 20-05.
West Africa (2019) goodbye to the CFA franc: the new currency will be called ECO, IL Sole 24ORE 21-12.
Eco: the single currency of Ecowas debuts in (2020) The Daily Fact, 08-07.
Africa: from the CFA (2019) franc to the echo, what changes and what remains unchanged in relations with Paris: www.Agenzianova.it, 27-12.
Eco the single currency of African economic freedom (2019) www.Zerozeronews.it 21/06.
This is why the CFA (2019) franc is a noose on the neck of the African African economy - www. Doubt. News 09-08.
West-Africa (2020) another postponement for Eco-Africarivista.it, 10-09.
After the CFA Franc (2020) the Echo is coming, the Challenge of the New Currency for Africa and Europe - www.Linkiesta.it, 27-06.
Giulia Cannizzaro: Eco The New African Currency, At The End - www.ilcaffègeopolitico.net
Towards The End of the CFA Franc www.Babilonmagazine. it
Mathias Paoletti Farewell to FRANCO CFA (2020) welcome ECO! www. Cronacanumismatica.com -06-24.
Giusy Baioni Eco (2020) the currency of the West African economic community will arrive in January. It will replace (in part) the CFA franc – 08:07-2019
Valeria Fraquelli – Eco (2019) the new African currency –www. Reportdifesa.it – 11-12.