Reflections on transformations Public Management under the Brazilian University Extension


  • Azevedo P
  • Costa AM
  • Pacheco ASV
  • Melo PA


The expansion of Brazilian universities resulting in the need to establish administrative systems that assist in achieving higher levels of quality in teaching, research and extension, because of the high degree of complexity of these institutions. Thus, this study aims to discuss the need for professional management of public universities, specifically in the context of the extension, as well as exposing the successes already achieved this "tip" of the tripod. This is a theoretical essay, characterized by a logical- reflexive exposition focusing on argumentation and personal interpretation, and the theoretical framework consists of books, articles, government documents and laws. There was an evolution of university public management within the extension, particularly after the creation of FORPROEX in 1987, which conceived in 1999, with the MEC, The National Plan for University Extension. This plan sets guidelines and policies for the University Extension. Among the challenges to be overcome in this process, there is a need to institutionalize these policies and training of qualified professionals in university public administration. Keyword: Brazilian university extension, Challenges , Evolution, Public management


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How to Cite

P, A., C. AM, P. ASV, and M. PA. “Reflections on Transformations Public Management under the Brazilian University Extension”. International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics, Jan. 2018,