International Financial Institutions Influence on the Educational System: A Romanian Perspective


  • Ristea Bianca
  • Androniceanu Armenia


After 25 years since the communism regime abolition, the Romanian economy was developed through international cooperation and support. The connections established with international organizations allowed surpassing the old conventions and adapt to the new global trend, globalization and knowledge based society. Previously EU ascension, but also afterwards, Romania’s collaboration with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank is considered essential, generally for the country development, particularly for specific sectors like education.The paper aim is to provide an analysis of the International Financial Institutions influence in Romanian educational system, considering the collaboration in the past two decades. The article is structures in two sections, each of it analyzing the benefits and limits of Romania’s Government cooperation with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Our research is based on the findings of national and international scholars, but also on the institutions reports and analysis.
Keywords: Education, International Monetary Fund, project, Reform, World Bank.



How to Cite

Bianca, R., and A. Armenia. “International Financial Institutions Influence on the Educational System: A Romanian Perspective”. International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics, May 2018,