The Use of Social Networks to Sell Products in the City of Bacabal / MA
The social network has been a tool used in the business environment as companies use to advertise the products or services. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze how Bacabal companies use social networks to sell products. The specific objectives are: to describe the strengths and weaknesses to disseminate the products in the social networks and to know the advantages in the dissemination of the products in the social networks. This work is a case study and in this research was applied a questionnaire intended for the manager of the account in the social network and another for the manager of the marketing department of each company. In this sense, it was observed that the great majority of the stores use the social network due to the easy handling in the dissemination of the products. One can consider that the social network allows increasing the sales of its products.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Social network, Small business.
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