Total Factor Productivity Analysis in Food Sector
In this study we to try to analyze the total factor productivity of 22 firms listed in Borsa Istanbul (BIST) in terms of economics perspective with the 2011-2015 years data. Equity, raw material cost and personnel cost were used as input variables; total sales and total export values also as output variables in accordance with the data acquired from BIST. Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Index was applied to data with input oriented models. According to research findings; all firms seems to have decreasing values only in technical efficiency; but on the contrary increasing values in technological efficiency, pure efficiency, scale efficiency and total factor productivity. The most improvements was observed to be approximately 4.5% in total factor productivity. A.V.O.D, Tarım and Dardanel were seen to be firms improving their values in all efficiency forms for five years; whereas Kent, Oylum and Pınar Et were observed to have decreasing values in all efficiency forms for five years.
Keywords: Borsa Istanbul, Food Industry, Efficiency, Malmquist Total Factor, Productivity.Â
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