A Board of Education Decade: Study Research Activity in Scientific Literary Bibliometric Indexed in Scopus Database (Elsevier)
The wider context of inclusion of this study is the teaching of Directors. In the strictest level, is limited to analysis of papers from publications in pre-established period in Scopus data platform (Elsevier). The research aims to analyze the profile of the articles published in the Scopus database in the period 2006 - 2015 containing the keyword "business school". Characterized as exploratory, we used the documentary research and data collection instrument and bibliometrics as an analytical technique. 530 articles in total were analyzed. The results show an increase in the number of publications in the first four years, remaining volatile in the other years of the period, with high and low. The newspaper with the highest number of publications, the Journal of Management Development, with significant distance from the second place, paradoxically, does not have good score in the indices (SJR, IPP and SNIP). Considering the ten HEIs with the highest number of publications, half of them located in the United Kingdom. However, when we look at the overall picture of publications by country, the United States ranks first, scenario in which Brazil appears in twenty-first position. Ten ranqueadas institutions, only four show the subarea "Business, Management and Accounting", which were, Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad (45.9%), Singapore Management University (14.9%), Cranfield University (6.3 %) and University of Technology Sydney (5.1%).
Keywords: Management. Management Education, Scopus database, Bibliometrics.
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