The Characteristics and Challenges of Female Entrepreneurship in the Market
It is noticed that the entrance of the woman in the entrepreneurship is quite expressive since, it can reconcile the professional career with the personal life. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the profile of female entrepreneurship in Bacabal. Specifically, it aimed to identify the characteristics of women entrepreneurs; Know the main difficulties of female entrepreneurship and discover the reasons that led women to start their own business. This study is of a bibliographic character since it was based on the main works of authors recognized in the academic environment and thus, the research has got a support in the theoretical reference. The research is also in the field, because interviews were conducted with the women who own micro and small companies. Among the results, it is noticed that the greatest difficulty in female entrepreneurship focuses on financial issues, however, the research concludes that part of these businesses are stabilized in the market, since these entrepreneurs are working in the industry for more than 7 years.Â
Keywords: Companies; Management; Business.
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