Multi-Model for Planning High Complexity Environment using Hybrid Intelligent Architecture


  • Oliveira SRM


The present paper aims to contribute toward the Planning High Complexity Environment using Hybrid Intelligent
Architecture. Therefore, a modeling for the decision of the building up and the management of the innovation value
chain (VC) in product development process (PDP) has been developed based on the Knowledge Theory, that
considers a sequence of systematic procedures in the following phases:: Phase 1: Modelling the needs of information
in Value Chain Management; and Phase 2: Determination of the Critical Knowledge in Value Chain Management.
Several support instruments were used in the modeling elaboration in order to reduce subjectivity in the results:
psychometric scales - Thurstone’s Law of Comparative Judgment (LCJ), multi-criteria Compromise Programming,
Electre III, and Promethee II; Artificial Neural Networking (ANN); Neurofuzzy networks. The results produced are
satisfactory, validating the proposed procedure for VCM.
Keywords: Innovation, Knowledge, Modeling Planning, Product Development Process, Value Chain Performance.



How to Cite

SRM, O. “Multi-Model for Planning High Complexity Environment Using Hybrid Intelligent Architecture”. International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics, Apr. 2018,