Higher Education Institution Organizational Climate Survey


  • Natário Maria Manuela S
  • Araújo Cecília s
  • Couto João PA


Leadership has a critical influence regarding the behaviour and organizational climate. The leader must be able to make the organizational climate conducive to increasing the workers’ productivity, to team managing, to encouraging motivation, to making effective use of the resources and to developing trust in people, and has an impact on the collaborators’ psychological contract. This study aims to understand the behaviour and organizational climate of a Higher Education Institution, seeking to capture the leader-collaborator relationship. A total of 133 collaborators participated in the study. The study took place in Polytechnic of Guarda localised in Interior Centre of Portugal. A questionnaire survey was conducted, comprised of questions that reflected the key variables and dimensions of this study namely: Performance Assessment, Leadership, Working Conditions, Benefits, Motivation, Satisfaction, Interpersonal Relationships, Training, Commitment and Functions. Factor analysis of the main components was used for the creation of these dimensions. The results point to the existence of a positive relationship between the organizational units’ leadership of the institution, and the satisfaction of the collaborators, thus indicating significant differences between the organizational units as far as leadership and satisfaction by career type and qualifications are concerned.
Keywords: Leadership, Organizational Behaviour, Organizational Climate, Psychological Contract.


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How to Cite

S, N. M. M., A. C. s, and C. J. PA. “Higher Education Institution Organizational Climate Survey”. International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics, Mar. 2018, https://managementjournal.info/index.php/IJAME/article/view/159.