Image and Identity in Business Communication Strategy


  • Adina Claudia Neamtu
  • Liviu Neamtu


Starting from how to treat employees in a company it is considered that human`s resource needs constant maintenance and use in appropriate circumstances, so a management plan approach is not an expense but as a continuous investment, contributing to further development of the company, the training and development activity focuses on improving knowledge and skills of individuals. To meet a given position within an organization, a person must show his knowledge and skills that are necessary and which are the purpose of the training itself, to provide to the human resource knowledge and skills. Communication practice is eloquence, the way to compose and expose a message, to speak in a certain order. A performance organization needs performing people. The human performance begins with performance of communication. The rules, procedures, values which the organization promotes have an impact on the effective mode their members communicate. The organization itself can be seen as being largely a construction of communication. The members of organization live diverse experiences. With this occasion, by communication, they get to a common significance upon the events and they build their own body of common acquaintance.
Keywords: Business communication, Evolutionary stages, Organizational culture, Performance of communication.


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How to Cite

Neamtu, A. C., and L. Neamtu. “Image and Identity in Business Communication Strategy”. International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics, Mar. 2018,