Unemployment, Youth Leadership Ambitions and Tasks of the Modern Russian University


  • Alexandr Zobov
  • Diana Yampolskaya
  • Olga Vasilyeva


The Russian economy undergoing a crisis and dealing with sanctions, students of Russian universities are becoming increasingly worried about their further career paths. There has been a significant increase in competition for jobs which are connected with the “middle class†standard.  To overcome the crisis, there is an urgent need for energetic and purposeful specialists. Under these circumstances, it is vitally important to create the environment for bringing up leaders among young professionals. They must be ready for solving challenging tasks set by modern markets. Due to these factors, a training institution for future managers has been altering both its mission and its strategy.

Keywords: Unemployment, Crisis, Youth Employment, Leader, Career, A Russian University’s Main Tasks.


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Moscow’s labor market in November 2015. Head Hunter research -[Electronic resource]. Mode of access: http://hr-portal.ru/article/rynok-truda-moskvy-v-noyabre-2015-goda-issledovanie-headhunter

When Will a Center for Youth Employment Open in Moscow? Article. AiF. 27.01.16 - [Electronic resource]. Mode of access: http://www.aif.ru/dontknows/actual/kogda_v_moskve_otkroetsya_centr_trudoustroystva_molodyozhi

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How to Cite

Zobov, A., D. Yampolskaya, and O. Vasilyeva. “Unemployment, Youth Leadership Ambitions and Tasks of the Modern Russian University”. International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics, Jan. 2018, https://managementjournal.info/index.php/IJAME/article/view/93.